Student Organizations

There are many organizations at UNC Charlotte, where students can make friends, learn about the professional world, nurture their creativity, and develop leadership skills. The student organizations within the Department of Art & Art History include Art of Light Photo Club, Society of Art Historians, Cerama, Art & Mindfulness, National Art Education Associations Student Chapter, and the American Institute of Graphic Arts Student Chapter.

united creative visions

screenshot from instagram

Faculty Advisor: Chair Lydia Thompson  |  2020-21 Presidents: Malik Norman and Manny Ravenel |  Instagram: @uncc_ucv

An organization seeking to empower black creatives, providing an outlet for open creative expression.

Art of Light Photo Club

collage of grainy polaroid photos including one of the CLT skyline

Faculty Advisor: Ann Kluttz  |  2020-21 President: Malik Norman  |  Instagram: @uncc.alpc

The purpose of this club is to provide a creative environment for all students interested in the art of photography. Our goal is to present a relaxed, comfortable place to share ideas and information that relate to the photographic arts. We present alternative process workshops, host guest speakers, and travel to destinations to explore photographic subject matter, skills, and techniques.

Society of Art Historians

group of students on stage with guest speaker from the annual symposium

Faculty Advisor: Lisa Homann  |  2020-21 President: Sydney Wall  |  Instagram: @unccsoah

The Society of Art Historians is an organization designed to support the professional development of all Art History majors and minors and to promote knowledge and appreciation of art and art history throughout the campus and the surrounding community. We have many goals we hope to achieve, namely bringing more interest to the arts and art history through our presence, as well as creating a source of networking that will surpass our time at UNC Charlotte.

Cerama (Ceramics Club)

four students with smocks

Faculty Advisor: Shelly Ellis  |  ​2020-21 President: Zainab Elrahal |  Instagram: @cerama_club

The Ceramics Association was created to promote the professional development of artists interested in the use of clay. Our intent is to establish an environment for students, alumni, and faculty to share ideas and information that relate to the ceramic arts and create an avenue for public outreach. We present workshops, host guest speakers, and occasionally travel to explore ceramic subject matter, skills, and techniques.

Art & Mindfulness

students in cone center with easels

Faculty Advisor: Jane Dalton  |  ​2020-21 President: Kaitlin Ogle  |  Instagram: @artandmindful

With over 600 members, Art & Mindfulness is a group with the initiative to spread mindfulness and inner peace through meditation, creativity, and free expression. The club is open to anyone of any level of experience interested in finding peace through art therapy and other creative practices. We have been clinically proven by an on-campus graduate study to reduce stress in our members after just one club meeting. If you are interested in art, stress-relief, or just looking to live in the moment come join Art & Mindfulness!


Four art education students in a classroom

Faculty Advisor: Jane Dalton  |  ​2019-20 President: Nancy McGuire  |  Instagram: @uncc_arted

This organization is a University/Student Level affiliate of the greater National NAEA. This organization is based upon art education and the fundamentals of creative thinking and applying the visual arts to education K-12. Events involving arts education and community service and pre-professional opportunities are available.


group of AIGA students

Faculty Advisor: Cynthia Frank  |  ​2020-21 President: Kristen Campbell | @aigauncc

Our student chapter of AIGA (The Professional Association for Design) offers opportunities to demonstrate a commitment to our professional interest. Our members get involved in the local design community, develop design projects, create a community of our own, and build leadership skills that will be valuable as we move into the professional world.

illustration club

Faculty Advisor: Jessica Burke  |  ​2020-21 President: Carolina Quintana Ocampo  |  Instagram: @unccillustrationclub


Illustration Club is an organization that allows students to explore ideas, learn from one another, and improve their skills in illustration. Illustration club will host group activities and events catered toward illustrators, both amateur and professional.