
With the founding of the College of Arts + Architecture, an Arts and Architecture Honors Program (AAHP) was established to provide an enriched academic and extracurricular experience for the College’s most exceptional, talented and self-motivated undergraduate students. The AAHP is one of the first initiatives to formally bring students together from all units of the College in both coursework and extracurricular activities. Click here for a full program description.

Current students in any major in the CoA+A as well as incoming freshman and transfer students who have declared a major within the CoA+A are encouraged to apply. Students who have already completed more than 30 credits are encouraged to discuss the feasibility of completing the program’s curricular requirements with the program director before they apply. 

Apply to the "Honors College Application." We recommend that you apply as early as possible in the application cycle so that your application will be complete prior to our deadline. November 1 is the priority deadline for applying to UNC Charlotte. You must meet that deadline in order to apply for the December 1 early action deadline for the "Honors College Application." Continuing UNC Charlotte students who are applying for spring entry need to apply by this date as well.  You may also apply in the spring: February 1 is the regular decision deadline for applying to UNC Charlotte; March 1 is the regular decision deadline for the "Honors College Application."

Apply through the NinerScholars Portal (Honors College application).

For more information about the AAHP, please contact:

Dr. Jae Emerling 
Associate Professor, Art History
Rowe 212