Study Abroad

Now more than ever, artists and designers perform in settings that require an understanding of diverse cultures and languages. 

In order to enhance cultural awareness and provide competitive advantages in an increasingly globalized milieu, the College of Arts + Architecture supports a broad range of international study programs, including annual summer architecture studios in cities such as Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro, a biennial summer dance program in Turin, Italy, and a biennial summer art/art history program in Rome.

In January 2018, the School of Architecture launched a semester-length study abroad program in Rome. Each spring fourth-year architecture students have the option of spending the semester in Rome.

In Summer 2022, the Department of Art & Art History will lead the study abroad trip Rome 2022 Art, Film, & Language, May 19-June 22. Interested? Sign up here to receive informational emails 

Please visit the Office of Education Abroad for more information.