CoA+A Internships

The College of Arts + Architecture has established paid student internships across the cultural community, at institutions such as the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, the Charlotte Symphony, The Mint Museum, Theatre Charlotte, Charlotte Ballet, and the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center. These internships are open to CoA+A Majors only and provide excellent professional training. Each academic unit of the college also provides a variety of professional development opportunities and internships. Visit their internships page to learn more! 

hear from our interns! 

 Christen Crumpler, intern with the Charlotte SymphonyCHRISTEN CRUMPLER

Education Intern, Charlotte Symphony

Major: BA Music 
Graduation Year: Spring 2021

My main responsibilities at the moment with the Charlotte Symphony are attending the meetings pertaining to the education and community branches of the CSO. When attending these meetings, I get to learn a lot about how the different programs within these branches function and the steps and processes that need to be taken in order to make them run, as well as the expected returns in impact of the community in these programs. While I am interning there, I've also been given the project of updating the information in their database of the list of schools within the Charlotte area.

For high school, I went to Northwest School of the Arts (NWSA) and majored in Orchestra there. Now, the Orchestra at NWSA had partnership programs with the Charlotte Symphony while I was there, so I've actually been on the receiving end of a good number of those programs! Now that I'm in college and interning with the CSO, it's really interesting to see these programs from a different perspective and contribute to them as I'm able to. So far, this has also helped me deepen my respect for those programs that I already had. I have also been given the chance to meet with most of the staff individually and get to learn more about their role with the CSO. The community there is definitely welcoming and I'm excited to make further connections that I can take later into my career endeavors!

Ashley, intern with the Bechtler Museum ASHLEY JUNG

Community Outreach Intern, Bechtler Museum

Major: BFA with a concentration in Painting and Illustration
Graduation Year: Spring 2020

My primary duties being the Bechtler’s Community Outreach intern are to assist with outreach programs/classes, research lesson plans, and collect data that will enhance the Outreach Program. 
I enjoy meeting all the different kinds of people I work with, as well as being part of a community that is making art accessible to all.

Asia, intern at Charlotte Art LeagueASIA SPINKS

Intern, Charlotte Art Leauge

Major: BFA with a concentration Illustration
Graduation Year: Fall 2022
My primary duties include assisting with classes, assisting artists who use the studio space, and helping set up the gallery space for artist shows and classes.
The Charlotte Art League Gallery internship is important to me because the position allows me to work outside of the studio and meet other artists who can teach me their process and help me to build my skills as an artist. This internship is also important to me because it enables me to gain experience in a work environment and increase my skills as an intern.

Orion, intern with the Charlotte SymphonyORION GREER

Project Harmony Intern, Charlotte Symphony

Major: Bachelor of Music; Concentration in Instrumental Performance 
Graduation Year: Spring 2022
My primary duties in my internship will be assisting the lead teachers in instrumental education with young kids from 2nd through 5th grade. I will be working with the Project Harmony internship and learn about the benefits of non-profit education and how music can be a positive impact at a young age. 
The internship is important to me because as a kid, music was a big part of my life and helped me cope with many things. I want to pass on that experience and help make sure other kids have a healthy outlet and grow through an activity that has so many benefits. 


Graphic Design Intern, CoA+A

Major: BFA Graphic Design; Minor: Art History
Graduation Year: Spring 2020
My internship duties include designing posters, flyers and LCD screens through subject research and hands-on meetings to create finished work. 
I enjoy the creative freedom I am given at CoA+A, it is unlike any internship I have had this far.


Curatorial Intern, Mint Museum

Major: BA Art History; BA Music 
Graduation Year: Spring 2021

In this internship, I will primarily be working with both the curator and the librarian of the Mint Museum to compile a set of usable images of the artists in the museum's collection, which will then be added to the museum's database.

I am so excited to finally experience the "behind the scenes" in a museum and have the privilege of working under the museum's curator and librarian. I also love research, which will be most of what I do there - having the opportunity to do this in an actual museum setting is so exciting! Learn more about Ruby in her student spotlight!


Education and Outreach Intern, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art

Major: BFA Studio Art; BA Art History
Graduation Year: December 2019

With my role at the Bechtler, my duties include assisting the Education Department with planning and executing a variety of outreach programs. I also provide additional support with research, data tracking, survey results, and budgeting.

What I enjoy most about my internship is the people in my department and the opportunity to work with the community in meaningful ways.


Project Harmony TA, Charlotte Symphony

Major: BA in Music with a concentration in Violin
Graduation Year: Spring 2020

In my internship, my primary duties are to assist with coaching students, grades 2nd through 5th, on music theory, stringed instruments, and other musical concepts. I teach students how to properly hold the instrument and the bow, along with teaching notes and rhythms. I also set up before students arrive, and clean up after they leave. I enjoy seeing the students eager to learn about music as well as their specific instrument. Along with that, I enjoy watching their progression and growth as young musicians, and witnessing the genuine excitement of it all!


Project Harmon Intern, Charlotte Symphony

Major: BA in Music 
Graduation Year: Spring 2020

In my internship, I will be assisting Lead Teachers in the instruction of 2nd through 5th graders with instruments. I will be learning more about the nonprofit perspective of music education while developing different teaching strategies to ensure that these children have a wonderful experience learning and growing through Project Harmony. 

I'm most excited about networking with other music educators and the opportunity for self-growth within music education. 


Education Intern, Charlotte Symphony

Major: BA Music; BS Computer Science
Graduation Year: Spring 2021

The primary duties of my internship include assisting in the engagement of musicians for education services, the management of the education events calendar, and the collection of assessment and evaluation data. I also manage the Instruments for Kids donation program, attend on-site management of education and CSO events, and assists in the planning and administration of the Lollipops pre-concert festivals. I assist in the management of grant requirements for education programs and assists in program promotion and documentation (social media, photography, etc.)

What I enjoy most about at my internship is having the opportunity to gain professional experience using the Selenium testing suite for web applications and Python to automate various tasks, while saving time and improving workflow. My main focus has been improving student attendance software for Project Harmony, an after-school intensive program serving families who face challenges and seek to provide greater opportunities for their children, Project Harmony provides free instruments, ensemble music training, and homework help to Charlotte area students. I’ve helped to accurately maintain their database, and come up with solutions to implement as Project Harmony's size grows in the future.

Community Outreach Intern, Yasmine Royal


Community Outreach Intern, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art

Major: Fine Arts in Photography; Minor: Art History 
Graduation Year: Spring 2020

My work will involve community outreach. I will be assisting Mykell Jamil Gates with the Bechtler's program by data tracking, filing, as well as other office duties. I will also go along to these classes interact and with the participants, giving my assistance wherever possible. I feel that this internship will help decide what I should do as a career. I want to get a hands-on experience helping others through art and working in a gallery space. This may lead to a career working in a gallery setting or a career teaching others what I've learned and passing my knowledge on others as my professors did for me. 

I love how relaxed and comfortable I am with the environment. Previous jobs have often left me feeling intimidated and uncomfortable. This internship has been the exact opposite so far.

Meredith Pack smiling in front of purple sky in the mountains MEREDITH PACK

Charlotte Ballet Content Marketing Intern 

Major: BA in Dance with a Concentration in Dance Performance, Choreography, and Theory; BSBA in Marketing Innovation
Graduation Year: Spring 2020 
While interning at Charlotte Ballet, I served as the main content creator for Instagram stories, designed graphics for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and collected and converted internal survey data into engaging posts in order to drive ticket sales and increase the company's digital brand presence. 
This internship opportunity allowed me to take a step into my dream job as it combined my passions for digital marketing, content design, and dance into one role. Additionally, this position encouraged me to make connections between what I was learning in the classroom to real-world applications. Overall, it gave me the experience I needed to feel confident as I dove into the job hunt prior to graduating.


Find your career community with the Career Center →

Do you desire to be innovative, creative, and impact popular culture in your career? Are flexibility, originality, and collaboration something you value in a work environment? Check out the Arts, Media, + Design Career Community for assistance in pursuing a career in the creative economy! The Career Center offers career meet up events, example resumés, and job listings in the arts, media, and design fields, such as: 

  • Visual Art + Design
  • Arts Management
  • Journalism + Broadcasting
  • Entertainment, Performance, + Media
  • Public Relations + Advertising
  • Creative Engineering + Tech