Student Organizations

There are many organizations at UNC Charlotte, where students can make friends, learn about the professional world, nurture their creativity, and develop leadership skills. Student organizations within the Department of Theatre include Robinson Hall Players, Queen City Circus, Theatre Student Writer's Guild, and Black Theatre Artist Collective. These student organizations allow for collaboration, extracurricular performance opportunities, mentorship, and many other opportunities in the field of performing arts. 

Queen City Circus

group of students after a circus performance with red ribbon behind them

Faculty Advisor: Carlos Cruz  |  2020-21 President: Sabrina D’Aiello  |  Instagram: @queencitycircus

Queen City Circus is a student-run performance troupe that specializes in physical theater performance. QCC aims to bring Contemporary Circus Arts to the community and provide performance opportunities for those interested. They meet weekly to train, rehearse, and develop new acts to present. QCC welcomes any performance-based acts from aerial arts to magic tricks, from juggling to gymnastics. They also welcome those interested in circus production such as costuming, crew, stage managing, or marketing. 

two students hanging from red silks

one student doing a barrel roll on another student's back

Queen City Circus on the outside stage in the arts quad

Niner Theatre Troupe

Faculty Advisor: Laura Waringer  |  2020-21 President: Tori Fagan  |  Instagram: @ninertheatretroupe

Formerly known as the Robinson Hall Players, the newly-rebooted Niner Theatre Troupe is a student theatre organization. Our goal is not only to help spread interest in theatre but give those interested more opportunities to participate in a fun and inclusive environment. The club's annual programming consists of play readings, workshops, small performances, guest artists, community events, and unique theatregoing experiences.
 One of the club's most popular events is Project 24/7, a 100% student-run 24-hour short play festival.  The project allows the artists of all theatre disciplines to come together to create a festival of 10-minute plays in just 24 hours. The project showcases the work of 7 directors, 7 writers, and 14 actors, as well as the contributions of student producers and technicians. This project has successfully allowed students to creatively experiment with theatre-making in an entirely student-led environment.