Research Centers

The College of Arts + Architecture contains research centers to promote the depth of faculty and student scholarship and the opportunity to collaborate with partners in creative thinking and expression. The College of Arts + Architecture's research centers are:

Digital Arts Center

The Digital Arts Center (d-Arts) began as the Digital Design Center in the College of Architecture and, since the founding of the College of Arts + Architecture, has become a lively venue for collaborative, multi-disciplinary activity that generates new arts through new media. D-Arts projects fall into four primary categories: digital fabrication, urban visualization, responsive environments, and performance. 


City.Building.Lab is an interdisciplinary center in the School of Architecture which addresses issues of community development and empowerment through a wide range of advocacy-based practices and strategic partnerships in order to address the challenges facing our diverse communities. The C.B.L focuses on social equity to repair our local landscapes, to enrich our cultural environments, and to create visions for positive change that will lead us well into the 21st century.

Integrated Design Research Lab

The mission of the Integrated Design Research Lab (IDRL) is to advance applied architectural research and knowledge through the dissemination of evidence-based investigation and proactive design leadership. The vision is to lead in design science and building technology and to strategically position the lab at the crossroads of innovative research, education, and architectural practice.