Undergraduate Programs

The Department awards Bachelor of Arts degrees in Dance, offering three concentrations:  (1) Dance Performance, Choreography, and Theory; (2) Dance Education; and 3) Applied Dance, a dance degree track that may be attractive to double majors. Students who wish to extend dance study beyond the BA curriculum and propose their own projects do so through the Certificate for Advanced Dance Studies. In partnership with the professional dance company, Charlotte Ballet, the Department offers a Professional Training Certificate in Dance for advanced ballet training.  Students may also audition for the Musical Theatre Certificate, a collaboration among the Departments of Music, Theatre, and Dance.  A Minor in Dance is also available.

Undergraduate Program Information

Admission and Progression Requirements and all Program Requirements can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. Please see the information below:


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Spring 2017 Concert photoThe Bachelor of Arts in Dance with concentration in Performance, Choreography and Theory, is a comprehensive program of classes in technique and performance, creative process, production, history, culture, and theory. Dance students begin their study in the freshman year. In addition to class work, students have opportunities to perform in two fully produced concerts a year choreographed by faculty and guest artists. As part of student organizations, MOVE and Range of Motion, students produce their own dance concerts. The Department offers field study experiences in New York and to American College Dance Festival and study-abroad experiences. 

Students will find that the Applied Dance Concentration fits busy schedules or allows them to forge careers that blend dance with another discipline, for example, dance therapy (dance and psychology), arts marketing (dance and marketing), and physical therapy for dance (dance and physical therapy).

For more information, contact Performing Arts Advisor Hannah Harrell, hbharrel@uncc.edu.

Student teaching photo

The Bachelor of Arts in Dance with a concentration in Dance Education nurtures future educators who teach, perform, and create dance. Prospective teachers learn best teaching practices and hone pedagogical skills while discovering their artistic voices and deepening their physical understandings of dance. In addition to student teaching and other clinical experiences in the public schools, students participate in site-specific dance-making, internships, and performance and creative outreach in the community.

The concentration in Dance Education follows the core curriculum of the BA in Dance with additional coursework in dance education offered through the Department and the CATO College of Education. The curriculum includes specialized pedagogy courses with laboratory experiences that lead to K-12 teacher licensure in North Carolina.  Students also take technique, creative process, production, and theory coursework in dance.  This program is designed for students who want to teach dance in the public schools, but also benefits dancers who want to teach in studios or community centers. Student teaching is possible in cooperation with the public schools of the Charlotte area. 

For more information, contact Arts Education Specialist Tesh Ramey, hramey@uncc.edu.

Certificate in Advanced Dance Studies photo

The Certificate in Advanced Dance Studies allows students already enrolled in the BA in Dance degree an opportunity to deepen and focus their study. Certificate courses help students develop an area of interest, prepare them to undertake individual final projects, performances, or internships, and provides them with skills needed to work in dance community settings. As appropriate to our work as an Urban Research University, the Certificate allows the Department to serve community dance organizations (dance studios, YMCAs, Charlotte Ballet, and dance companies), while providing students with professional experiences.

For more information, contact Performing Arts Advisor Hannah Harrell, hbharrel@uncc.edu.


The Professional Training Certificate in DanceProfessional Training Certificate Photo, offered in conjunction with Charlotte’s professional dance company, Charlotte Ballet, is for degree-seeking students specializing in ballet performance. The unique partnership provides professional ballet training while earning a college degree.

Open by audition, the two-year, 16 credit hour, Professional Training Certificate provides classes with expert teachers at the Charlotte Ballet Academy.  Training in a professional dance environment puts students in contact with internationally acclaimed teachers such as Patricia McBride and gives them the opportunity to get an exclusive glimpse into the professional world of dance. The Certificate is awarded upon completion of the baccalaureate degree.  Pre-college credit is also available to high school students through this program.

For more information, contact Undergraduate Coordinator Delia Neil, dlneil@uncc.edu, 704-687-0216.

Minor in Dance photo

General inquiries may be directed to:

Office of Admissions
UNC Charlotte