Abena Atiemo

 Abena Atiemo
Hometown: Portland, OR
Bachelor of Architecture

How did you become interested in architecture?
The world around us coveys so much information, from the natural scenery to man-made art. For me, I’ve always been someone who has enjoyed slowing down and looking at the world around me. I was "undecided" my first year of college, but I realized Architecture was the best way to slow down and pay attention to the details. I want the thoughts I have in my mind to become something physical and tangible, and architecture is a great way to do that while also benefiting the community around me. The structures we see around us are functional and stylish - the best of both worlds!

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I would love to do something impactful like Sergio Palleroni. He helped create the Partners On Dwelling (POD) Initiative, small structures smaller than a parking space for the houseless community in Portland. This was rooted in sustainability, functionality, and care. If the work I do doesn’t help my neighbor, my classmate, or my friend, there is no use in doing it. There are also less than 0.03% of Black Female architects in the field. Through following this dream, I am a part of a community that is not represented in the field, and one that deals with issues of inequality within the industry. Diversity is something a community should always strive for and through my pride in being Black and a woman, I am a voice that may be small, but loud.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the School of Architecture?
Every day that I walk into class, I know I will learn something new. My professors integrate real-world concepts to help us understand abstract ideas. I also love how you can speak freely without judgment. In art, it can be difficult to know what is “right” and what is “wrong.” With the Architecture faculty, they encourage all ideas and show you how to build on them, turning your intentions into something new and creative. The wider College of Arts + Architecture is also a lovely place to express yourself. By being around other creatives, there is inspiration around every corner.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts/design community?
Within the Charlotte arts community, I am honored to be able to share my poetry with the community. During my freshman year, I was a part of a poetry/storytelling performance called “Tales from Down There.” A showcase involving social activism and change. This year, I shared my poetry again with Project Enough. Writing is something that can be often overlooked in many Architecture schools, but through my skills class at UNC Charlotte, I was actually able to enhance my writing skills in a whole different facet of my life! It’s something I really appreciate about the program.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I am involved with a lot of things on campus, including UNC Charlotte’s student ambassadors! It is a really fun way for me to be able to represent the school, connect with alumni, and form those important connections. Off-campus, I love to bake, draw, and play my bass guitar! Music is a great way to express yourself, and after a long day of critiques, playing a tune can be a good way to unwind.