Adé Hogue

Freelance Art Director/ Designer/ Letterer, Chicago

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art with a concentration in Graphic Design, UNC Charlotte (2012)
Hometown: Asheville, NC
An experienced designer and specialist in hand-created type and lettering, Adé Hogue has enjoyed a successful career since graduation with creative firms in Chicago, rising to the position of art director while working with national and global brands such as PayPal, eBay Inc., Nike, ALDI, Ocean Spray, MilkPEP, and more. Recently, he was selected by the national publication, Print magazine, as one of "15 creatives under 30 who are shaping tomorrow's design landscape." His work as a freelancer offers a wide range of creative opportunities.

"At any given time I am typically working on various branding projects for startups/small businesses, lettering pieces for advertisements or headlines, and art directing video/photo shoots for social content," he says. He has also presented his personally-initiated work in exhibitions, such as the TYPEFORCE 8 annual juried showcase of emerging typographic artists. 

The Department of Art & Art History trained him well, he says, for that varied career. "My time at UNC Charlotte prepared me by teaching me to explore different avenues for creativity when confronted with a project. When I was an undergrad I found ways to mix art and design to create final pieces. Knowing how to sculpt, to print, or to paint made it easier for me in the future to think of an all-encompassing big picture."

Adé began at UNC Charlotte as an engineering major. "I had never taken an art class at a high level in high school or college until my first drawing class. So for me, the accomplishment of getting into the BFA program meant that maybe I had finally found what it was that I should be doing in life. I’ll never forget that feeling."

He says that the faculty at UNC Charlotte encouraged him to dig deep. "The most important thing that I learned as an undergrad was how to teach myself to seek help and inspiration outside of the classroom. Whether it was from visiting the library to look at historical documents, or the exploring new methods for creation in the Storrs Fabrication Lab, I realized that designing took more research to truly get to the heart of what it is that you are creating."

Adé was named the 2018 Distinguished Alumnus in the Department of Art & Art History.

Learn more about Adé's work at