Ajané Williams

Ajané Williams
Hometown: Being born in a military family, I have lived in Alaska, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina to overseas in Germany, Japan, and Korea.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts/design?
I’ve always been interested in art since I was a child. I remember yelling at my parents as a child “I want to be an artist! I am going to be an artist!” after finishing a drawing. I was extremely shy growing up. Expressing myself verbally was a challenge, so art assisted me tremendously in expressing my thoughts, who I was, and who I wanted to be; whether it was through clothing, painting, drawing, music, or film. As I grew into adolescence, I took multiple art classes in high school and was a member of the National Arts Honor Society but never took it seriously because I was taught that art could not provide a financially stable lifestyle for me. When I graduated, I had the mindset of becoming a physical therapist after an ACL tear but I ended up gravitating towards art again after taking a Painting I class during my first semester of college. That class gave me the motivation to keep pursuing education and introduced me to a completely different world and awareness that I was so fascinated by. That’s when I knew art was my purpose. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I do not have any set career that I hope to have but I do wish to work in any field where I can express my ideas and even help others express their ideas. I chose not to put myself in a box to do one thing. I have no problem exploring myself and what I can do. 

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?
My favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture at the moment is the Zoom Artist Talks they are going to be hosting this semester. I thought it was a clever way to get students to meet other professional artists and connect with people nationally and internationally.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I am not in class, I am working with fabrics! More specifically, tie-dye and dye work to anything such as bed comforters, pillowcases, shirts, skirts, tapestries, or things I've sewn together. I also love making candles, experimenting, and playing with aromatherapy. My last go-to hobbies are bike riding, listening to music, and watching films and shows for inspiration.

See her work on her website.