Andrew Beiter

Andrew Beiter
Hometown: Harrisburg, NC
Bachelor of Music, Music Performance Concentration

Give a little general information about yourself: How did you become interested in music? 

I was always interested in music, but the first time I can remember doing anything musical was taking piano lessons from my babysitter when I was eight. I remember sitting at the piano trying to play something easy like "Hot Cross Buns," and I would mess it up time after time, but eventually I got it down, and we moved on to the next page in the book. After that I always had a general interest in music and in seventh grade my best friend and I decided that we would both play trumpet. I was lucky and had a great band director in both middle and high school who pushed me to keep getting better. In high school I worked with Dr. Shawn Smith in the Charlotte Youth Wind Ensemble and I really enjoyed having him as a director, so I decided it would be great to study under him at UNC Charlotte. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?

I hope to make a career playing in either a symphony or in the pit orchestra for a music or opera. I've always really enjoyed collaborating with people who I don't get to play with on a day to day basis. My favorite is playing in the pit for theatre because you get to play so many styles and in some cases different horns all in the span of a few hours. It's really challenging, but at the same time it can be really fun and rewarding.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the Department of Music? 

My favorite thing about the Department of Music is the general atmosphere of Robinson Hall. When you walk through the halls of the second or third floor you almost always run into someone you know and that's something that is hard to find anywhere else on campus. The students and the faculty are all really kind, and it has a real "home away from home" feeling to it that I love.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 

I played in the Charlotte Jazz Festival with the UNC Charlotte Jazz Ensemble, and I am trying to get more gigs freelancing. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?

My favorite thing to do when I’m not studying or practicing is to learn about cars and engines. I love working on cars and learning more about how they work.