Angeli Novio

Angeli Novio
Hometown: Durham, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre with a Concentration in Tech and Design

How did you become interested in theatre? 
I think theatre chose me rather than the other way around. I was put into a theatre arts class freshman year of high school because the visual arts classes were all full. I was dreading the start of the year because I was shy and only thought that theatre was about acting and Shakespeare. My expectations were totally wrong once I was introduced to technical theatre. I grew to love the art form from a design perspective. I am grateful to be in a community where creativity and collaboration work together.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I really hope to go down the route of costume or scenic design. My dream job would be to design costumes for stage or film. Even bringing those skills outside of the theatre to a stylist position would be something I’d enjoy greatly. Fashion and clothing have always been something I had a great interest in.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Theatre?
My favorite thing about the UNC Charlotte Department of Theatre is the people! My professors help me refine my skills to the best of my ability. It’s clear they want me to succeed. My peers are so kind and encouraging. I honestly can’t imagine myself surrounded by different people.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 
I am part of the Student Advisory Committee for the Department of Theatre. There, I can work with Chair Lynne Conner and other theatre students to better improve our atmosphere on campus. I love planning events, getting to know theatre students, and collaborating with this team.

When you are not in class, studying, working, or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?
Outside of class, I enjoy teaching group fitness, spending time outside, and going to cafes.