Carolina Quintana Ocampo

 Carolina Quintana Ocampo
Hometown: Monroe, NC
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Illustration

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts/design?
One of my first memories involved art. My dad taught me how to draw stars using a pencil. I've always had art in my life, and as I grew older, so did my passion for it. Eventually, I found that I loved working with stories and characters and wanted to create narratives that essentially would be special to someone.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I want to work in the story department of an animation company. Specifically, I want to work as a storyboard artist and, eventually, as an art director. I love the idea of working with a team to bring a story and its characters to life. I will be part of the initial work that may be an inspiration and an all-time favorite show for someone, and that to me is special.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Art & Art History?
My favorite thing about CoA+A is our faculty. Not only do they care about us as students, but also as people. I wasn't expecting to be in such a friendly environment where I'm not just a number to a school system. It's very reassuring and welcoming.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
Since my Freshman year, I've worked at the CoA+A Storrs Print Lab. It's a print lab that is available to all CoA+A, but it's mostly used by architecture students. I've met a lot of interesting architecture students that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

I'm also the co-founder and president of the Illustration Club at UNC Charlotte. A couple of friends and I decided to make this club as an attempt to unify our illustration department and also reach out to others across campus. I'm happy to say that we have over 30 members and are an active club that involves its members as much as possible, even if it's currently through a screen.

If you are in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, please tell one thing that you have gained from that program.
Something that I really liked about the program was being in a class with other majors besides art. I've made good friends with architecture and theatre students because of this. I've also had the opportunity to take classes completely outside my concentration. It's made my semesters interesting and has provided me a break from a long list of studio work.

Do you have any merit scholarships (ex: Levine Scholar, Martin Scholar, Crown Scholar)? If so, can you talk about that experience?
I've been a Martin Scholar since my Sophomore year. There's so much this scholarship program has done for me. It not only helped me financially but also provided various opportunities and connections with my fellow Martins. The Martins themselves are a huge inspiration to me and have continuously pushed me to achieve my dreams and goals. As alumni from UNC Charlotte, they are living proof that anything is possible if we set our minds to it. The Martin Scholars are also a tight-knit group of students who always look after each other and push each other to do their best. I'm very thankful to have had this experience.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
This is rare for me haha! Nonetheless, when I do have free time I love to watch Korean dramas. I grew up watching them with my sister and mom and never grew tired of the dramatic storylines. Recently, I've also started cooking more often, and I'm happy to say I've become quite the chef. Japanese cuisine is my favorite. Lastly, like any illustration student, I love to draw! I draw out my own characters and write out stories I'd like to tell one day.