Cecilia Whalen

Cecilia Whalen
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Dance

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in dance? How old were you when you began dancing?
Ever since I can remember, I've been dancing. One of the earliest home videos of me shows my two-year-old self trying to mimic my sister's performance of the "Mexican Hat Dance." Once I got into high school, I realized how important dance was for my life, and I started studying it more seriously. I realized how vast the world of dance is, how important dance is to the world, and that it is actually something out of which I could make a viable and valuable career.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
After graduation, I hope to join a professional modern or contemporary dance company. I would also like to choreograph. Finally, I would like to write or edit for some sort of arts publication.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the department you are in?
My favorite thing about the Department of Dance is the fact that it holds many opportunities and connections to the dance world inside and outside of Charlotte. The department has multiple study abroad trips surrounding the field of dance, connections to professional company-affiliated schools for summer and winter study, and opportunities to dance in Charlotte for local performances. I also appreciate the fact that the faculty are working artists and very available for mentoring and personal attention, not to mention collaboration.

When you are not in class, studying, working or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?
For fun, I enjoy reading, watching movies, and visiting with my friends and family. I also love playing the drumset, taking more dance classes, and traveling (when I get the chance to do so).