Christen Crumpler

Christen Crumpler
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Music

Give a little general information about yourself: How did you become interested in music? 
I started playing the violin in 7th Grade and was first introduced to the idea of being in an orchestra in 5th Grade. Since then, my life, academic, and career goals have all been surrounded by music in some way! Whether it’s music through an orchestra/instrument or producing my own music, I think what I really value in music is what can be told from hearing it. Even totally removing music from its original meaning or story, applying it to something else and in your own context can make it much more personal for you. For me, since I’ve been little, I like to dream a lot and music goes hand-in-hand with that. Having dreams play out like a movie that continues and me putting on my headphones, just letting the music I’m listening to create different places for me, always interested me and moved me.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My aspiration, career-wise, is to be a music producer/songwriter. There’s something really special about being a part of the process that makes someone’s favorite song or the soundtrack to a special moment in their life. It can be really satisfying creating songs because, at times, it’s like a creative jigsaw puzzle for the mind!

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the Department of Music? 
It’s awesome the amount and variety of opportunities there are here at UNC Charlotte, as well as the things you can explore! Even if you hadn’t started off with the “staple” college experience, you’re still able to have the opportunity to have those experiences later on and many more. I also like how the campus is like a small city in itself. It helps to bring the community closer together and feel more connected. 

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 
Since I was a sophomore in high school, I was a part of the Psalm 150 Orchestra at the University City United Methodist Church (UCUMC). The people that I got to meet and work with while I was there were wonderful and made the longtime experiences and connections that I made there great to look back on. I had to take a break from the orchestra during my junior year of college, due to academics, but I can’t wait to return and be able to join the other members again in music-making soon!

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I like to write melodies and lyrics for future songs that come to my mind, and I’ve been trying to work on getting better at dancing! I also enjoy playing video games on my Switch, as well as doing my own personal self-study in learning Korean.