Erika Rush

Erika Rush
Hometown: Asheboro, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Dance with a Concentration in Performance, Choreography, and Theory; Minor in Theatre

How did you become interested in dance? 
I became interested in dance ever since I could walk. I would always watch dance movies and see my older sister participate in extracurriculars in high school involving dance that I had to try it out myself - starting with ballet studio dance and then switching gears to dancing with a crew at my high school called Catalyst Dance Company. I fell in love with dance, and I knew I found my true calling. I could not see myself doing anything else. Nothing else made sense. Dance is not just my passion, but it is my life, my therapy, and my escape.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to have a career where I can be available in all aspects of the arts. Although my main focus is dance, I dabble in other things, such as theatre, circus, and singing. I want to utilize all three of my talents in the industry to be available wherever I can be. My ultimate goal is to be a big-time choreographer and have a whole bunch of projects under my belt. I would love to have my own studio where I can implement all of the arts. A place where everyone can come and perfect their craft. Almost like a YMCA for the arts. I know something like that seems bizarre, but I would not be me if I did not dream big. I want to show off my true triple threat talent leaving my mark on this world in some kind of way.

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?
My favorite part about UNC Charlotte's College of Arts + Architecture is that it allows you to find yourself as an artist and perfect your craft. You learn something new about yourself daily, studying under phenomenal teachers and professors. While they pour out their knowledge upon us, we are perfecting ourselves and creating the best artist that we can be. One of the things that I enjoy most about the arts itself is that it is a whole new language. If I cannot verbally tell you what is going on with me and my emotions, I can express that in my art, and you can feel it.

When you are not in class, studying, working, or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?
I love to sing, write songs, spend time with great friends, play volleyball, and, of course, choreograph and dance every second that I can.