Halee Warren

Halee Warren
Hometown: Hendersonville, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Education

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts? 
I took theatre freshman year of high school as an “easy A” but immediately fell in love with it.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to one day become a Theatre teacher in public schools. 

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture or the Department of Theatre?
I really love that the College of Arts + Architecture focuses a lot on incorporating several types of art into each major. It’s a very immersive college that recognizes so many different talents

When you are not in class, studying, working, or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?
I love hanging out with my family and friends. I’m always down for a lowkey hang out with friends, whether it’s watching movies or just talking.