Haven Gallegos

Haven Gallegos
Hometown: Concord, NC
Bachelor of Music, music education concentration

How did you become interested in music? 
I got into music all by chance. Some say "when one door closes, another opens," and that's exactly what happened to me. I got into music a little later than most of my peers. I began my musical journey once I entered high school and absolutely fell in love with every aspect of performance. I had a fabulous band director that taught me that "music is an art form that takes place in time," meaning that you cannot erase the sounds or feelings you create. Music can only go forward, just as we as people can only go forward to learn and develop our skills, ambitions, and dreams.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My goal is to become a band director. I'm still unsure which grade level I would like to teach; however, I do know that I want to share my love and passion for music with the generations to come. I hope to be the fire that ignites a brilliant musician. 

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the Department of Music? 
UNC Charlotte is a gorgeous school with some of the most generous people I've met. I was nervous coming to a university, as I am a first-generation college student, but I was welcomed into the school and the Department of Music with wide, open arms. The professors are determined to bring out the absolute best of your musical capabilities and encourage you to always strive for more. The students are incredibly kind and supportive of one another. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
If I am not practicing or working on my studies, you could find me drawing on my tablet! I absolutely love to doodle, write short stories, paint, or create comic strips about my daily life or something completely made up.