Hunter Thurlo

Hometown: Mocksville, NC
Bachelor of Architecture

Give a little general information about yourself: How did you become interested in architecture?
I grew up interested in details and how these details are represented and shown through society, especially in architecture. I also thought it was fascinating to think about what we inhabit and how we inhabit said spaces.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I enjoy working on many different projects as well as investing myself in the projects; therefore, I find myself in the future working or even owning a small firm.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the School of Architecture?
The close-knit community within SoA is something that cannot be ignored. I also value the large student organization presence within the SoA, as student organizations promote and advance the student body.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I am the 2019-2020 AIAS Chapter President. AIAS (American Institute of Architecture Students) is the largest student organization within the SoA, and responsible for hosting the annual Career Expo. This is one of the largest student ran Architecture Career Expo’s held in the country, as we host approximately 50 firms and average 600 interviews that day! Along with hosting the Career Expo, we advance and grow the Studio Culture within the SoA through the different social and professional events held throughout the year.

Tell us about what it is like being in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program?
One thing that is evident within the Arts + Architecture Honors Program is the ability to be able to collaborate and work with students from across the College. In the Arts + Architecture Honors Program classes, I was able to see and learn how different CoA+A students worked and thought about art and architecture.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy spending time with my cats (Callie and Lucy) and dogs (Copper, Buddy, and Phoebe), as well as spending time on the lake.