Jane Parris

Jane Parris
Hometown: Durham, NC
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Instrumental Performance

How did you become interested in music? 
I began taking violin lessons at age 3 and a half. I grew up learning the violin through the Suzuki method, which allowed me the opportunity to play often with others my age. Playing with others and learning in such an educational and fun atmosphere helped me find my love for playing music as a soloist and with others. I also began learning the piano at age 8 and played for seven years, giving me more experience to perform the music I loved. Since then, my experiences with my private professors, chamber, and orchestra experiences have only furthered my interest in music.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to perform in orchestras, chamber ensembles, and as a soloist. 

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music? 
My favorite aspect of the UNC Charlotte Department of Music is the faculty. I am so grateful to the professors that take time out of their day to help individual students out of the classroom, helping them academically and caring about the lives of their students as well. They are such advocates for all of the students in the department, and I have learned so much from them in my growth as a student, musician, and person.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I love to spend time with friends! I also enjoy spending time outside, riding horses in my free time.