Jaylon Smallwood

Jaylon Smallwood
Hometown: Kernersville, NC
Masters of Urban Design

How did you become interested in architecture?
I became interested in art/design through the former Wachovia Center in Winston-Salem. The difference in the design of the structure to surrounding building sparked my imagination on what buildings could be, and how they're situated in the city.

Why did you apply to the Arts + Architecture Honors Program?
I applied to the Arts + Architecture Honors Program to take advantage of the small class sizes as well as challenge myself and expand my knowledge in the College.

After graduating with your Bachelor's of Art in Architecture degree in 2020 from our School of Architecture, why did you decide to pursue an urban design degree?
I’ve always been interested in the macro perspective of urban design, but I became fully invested after taking a community workshop course during the spring of my junior year. Urban Design allows designers and engaged communities to work more frequently together - allowing them to create spaces and areas which supply the needs of the community while also being supported by the rigger and research provided by the designers.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My main goal is to become a city planner. I’ve always been interested in the position and the role it holds in the city.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte and the College of Arts + Architecture?
Personally, the small feel of the campus and its location in Charlotte drew me in when I first visited. Likewise, the close-knit nature College of Arts + Architecture caught my attention. It’s like one big family with people giving advice and lending a hand when needed.
 I also like the suburban feel of the campus with all the trees and the trains which go by. It reminds me of home, but it an hour and a half away. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working what do you like to do for fun?
In my free time, I enjoy fencing epee on campus as well as helping with the student community garden when I have the chance.