Jeffrey Ludlow

Creative Director/Principal, 2 x 4, Madrid office

Bachelor of Architecture, UNC Charlotte (2001)
Master of Architecture, Southern California Institute of Architecture (2003)

Hometown: Bogotá, Colombia

The UNC Charlotte School of Architecture has provided Jeffrey Ludlow with much more than a fundamental understanding of the world of architecture. His education at UNC Charlotte helped shape his career by providing the “ability to integrate all facets of creativity without constraint to a medium.”

Jeffrey has lived in Madrid, Spain, for the past five years, where he is now Creative Director/Principal at the Madrid office of the global design consultancy, 2  x 4. In his current role, he is charged with oversight of the creative teams that work on branding, signage, and spatial projects using his architectural education to “explore beyond the building practice but also work tangentially to architecture from a branding and graphic design perspective.” He has incorporated his design education in several prominent branding projects around the world, including the Apple Park Campus signage with Foster + Partners, the branding for the Centro Botín museum with Renzo Piano Building Workshop, and a signage project for CCTV in Beijing, China, for Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA).

Jeffrey is also an instructor at the IE (Instituto de Empresa) University at Madrid and guest lecturer at several additional universities.

He remains fond of his college experience as he remembers the “ability to build within a shop, use technology, and be able to sketch and properly draw” as key technical skills he learned while at UNC Charlotte.

“UNC Charlotte as an academic experience it is a great foundation to prepare you for both architecture and other tangential architectural careers. I am further impressed /envious of its current integration of other disciplines within its curriculum.”