Juan Mullerat

Director, PlusUrbia (Miami, FL)


Master of Urban Design, University of Miami (2005) 
Master of Architecture, University of Miami (2004) 
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, UNC Charlotte (1999) 

Previous Employers 
Oppenheim Architecture and Design (Miami, FL) 
Duany Platter Zyberk (Miami, FL) 
Perkins+Will (Miami, FL) 
Shook Kelly (Charlotte, NC) 
Gallis and Associates (Charlotte, NC) 

Hometown: Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain 

Juan is a Director at PlusUrbia Design, a consulting firm with subsidiaries in various continents that provide urban and architectural design services. With over twelve years of professional experience, Mullerat has led the firm on numerous projects around the world including the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, conducting workshops that have resulted in award winning projects at different scales. In 2013, Juan received the "Urban Designer of the Year" award from AIA Miami.

Juan is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami’s Master of Urban Design (MUD) program. "I thrive from the synergy between academia and my professional work."  He strives to create and capture the essence of places that transcend trends and value culture.  "I believe that society can be understood by the nature of its public spaces.  It is in our shared places where our cultural DNA is shaped and our collective identity evolves." 
"UNC Charlotte provided a crucial environment to form my first thoughts and ideas in architecture.  In time, these have become the principles and core-values of my practice."

"The holistic approach to the arts at the School of Architecture, the permeable disposition between studios, together with unbiased teaching, instilled a necessity for critical thinking that is the key-stone of our practice. We created a close knit community in the school that became our place of learning, cafeteria, and dorm. A support system based on long hours and a passion for architecture that fueled the creative energy in each of us. Our firm’s structure and approach to design is modeled after that atmosphere and collaborative spirit I experienced at the SoA."