Kayley McLamb

 Kayley McLamb
Hometown: Bahama, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Dance with a Concentration in Performance, Choreography, and Theory

How did you become interested in dance? 
When I was young, my Grandma would take my cousin to dance practice, and I would go so I could watch through the window until her classes were over. I would beg to go to my cousin’s recitals, and I even started putting on many living room dance recitals for my family. Since it was evident that I was interested in dance, my mother signed me up for dance class at age three, and my love for dance has continued to grow ever since.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
After I graduate, I am planning on pursuing my master's degree and becoming a professor at a university. This will allow me to continue choreographing, teaching, and sharing my passion for dance with others. Additionally, I hope to immerse myself in the world of professional dance for a few years and eventually open my own dance studio or create my own dance company.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Dance?
My favorite thing about the Department of Dance is the community that we have. Both the students and professors create a positive environment that encourages growth and creativity. It is so uplifting to be surrounded by supportive and inspiring people every day.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I am currently co-president of a UNC Charlotte student organization called Range of Motion (ROM). We are a dance ensemble that meets two or three times a week. This organization is such a great opportunity for students like me to choreograph and perform outside of school!

When you are not in class, studying, working, or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?
When I find free time, I enjoy running, snuggling with my pets, baking cookies, and spending time with family and friends.