Keisha Hughes

Keisha Hughes
Professional dancer, dance teacher, and entrepreneur in New York City

Bachelor of Arts in Dance, UNC Charlotte (2011)

Hometown: Queens, NY

Keisha “Sparkle” Hughes began dancing at age three and attended Frank Sinatra High School of the Arts in Long Island City, New York, as a dance major. While a student at UNC Charlotte, she was a finalist on BET’s Born to Dance with Laurieann Gibson. That break launched her career in commercial dance, and she has performed with Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, Yo Gotti, Big Sean, Tostitos, and others and has trained closely with two of the industry’s top choreographers: Rhapsody James and Luam Keflezgy.

Keisha also owns an online clothing boutique for women (Keep Evolving Your Style Boutique) and co-owns Penthouse Suites, an event space in Long Island City. 

Describe the various aspects to your professional life. What is a typical week like for you?

Definitely the pandemic has changed my everyday life! Before the pandemic, when I wasn’t touring, my days/weeks would consist of me teaching at my designated studios where I work (I teach hip hop/performance classes for competitive studios in the NY/NJ area; I've been with a few of them for a couple of years). I was heavily into maintaining my body so I would often go to the gym. If my schedule allowed, I would still find time to take dance classes, because training is still 100% a priority to me. And I would also work on any creative projects for myself or with other choreographers. When I was touring, that consisted of keeping that balance in my life but on the road. Eating right, working out, creating content for my social media, rehearsing, traveling, and having fun for sure.

Now my days consist of tending to the needs of my online boutique, whether that's checking my analytics, creating content, studying the business, or packing orders. I also manage the social media for the event space I co-own and deal with daily tasks in regards to bookings/events, etc. I still work out, still train when I can, and definitely always create when it's in my spirit to do so. Just staying balanced, busy and doing what I love daily. 

What are your most interesting recent or current projects?

Recently I worked on a movie during quarantine which was AMAZING! I was booked for the role back in February and had to turn it down for another job I received during the waiting period. But the universe and God works in amazing ways, and I was asked to come back and do the role in November when they began to re-film (they had shut down due to COVID in March). So for three weeks I quarantined and shot a movie. It was life-changing and put me in the best headspace to tackle the end of the year and to start a new one. 

What have been some of the keys to your success in the commercial dance world?

The keys to my success in the commercial dance world have been to work hard, to remain myself, and to give my career 100%. I'm always learning from each experience, taking it with me to the next. I'm never complacent. I always continue to train and be the best version of myself, because this industry requires that when you look like me. I think understanding your look, your skills, and what you bring to the table can help you stand out. I believe I was also very aware of where I could improve and would continue to strive to make those things better, too. We are in a time where being viral or being on Tik Tok can get you hired, but for me as a Black female dancer, that's not going to be enough. I have to be superhuman and the best at what I do. So I don't stop until I can attain that version of myself; to be undeniable is the goal. 

What are your favorite memories from your time at UNC Charlotte?

My favorite memories were the bonds that I created with my fellow dance majors and the time I spent with Tantrum Dance Troupe. The BEST memories I have are from those people because I was doing what I loved with like-minded people. They made balancing all my extracurricular activities worth it, because we were doing it together. We found a way to learn, to dance, and be involved in so many other ways (together)  

How did your education at UNC Charlotte prepare you?

My education at UNC Charlotte prepared me to work with all different types of dancers. It really helped mold my teaching style and my voice in choreography. I was always encouraged to use my movement as expression and how to clearly articulate my message through dance. 

What advice do you have for current dance students who wish to succeed as professional dancers?

My advice for current dance students who wish to succeed as professional dancers is to know this industry isn't for the faint of heart. It's going to test you and you're going to hear a lot of no's before you hear a yes. But always remember why you're doing it, keep the love of dance close, and never allow it to change you. If it does change you, I hope it's for the better. 

See photos and videos of Keisha and her work on Instagram @keishasparkle.