Lincoln Gaskins

Lincoln Gaskins
Hometown: Lenoir, NC
BM with a Concentration in Cello Performance

How did you become interested in music? 
I’ve been involved in music for really my entire life.  I grew up listening to soundtracks from Fiddler on The Roof, Les Miserables, and Riverdance, as well as audio cassette tapes of songs that my dad wrote – Primary topics included chickens, armadillos, and more chickens. At the age of six, I started having music lessons, bouncing between violin and piano.  When I was 13 years old, I finally discovered the cello and never looked back. Cello was the first thing that I felt really good at, so it helped me grow more confident in myself during my teenage years.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
 It’s hard to narrow it down to one specific thing. I’m interested in music performance, composition, teaching, and having my own recording studio… if music is even remotely involved, I want to do it.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the Department of Music? 
The incredible faculty.  It is apparent that the professors here love their jobs, and it is an absolute pleasure to study and learn from them.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
These days I enjoy skateboarding, playing D&D with my friends, and before the pandemic hit, Ultimate Frisbee.