McKenzie Waldron

McKenzie Waldron
Hometown: Georgia
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

How did you become interested in architecture?
I started thinking about architecture before I even knew what it was—I remember drawing a plan of my friend’s house in second grade and interrogating her on where all the rooms were. I started realizing my interest through LEGOS (I know, basic). I would build the LEGO sets from the instructions, then take ideas from the newspaper or in everyday life, and build houses. Houses were my forte, and it wasn’t until I started architecture school that I realized I could be interested in designing other types of buildings.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to have a career one day that makes me excited to get out of bed every morning. Architecture can be very complex in terms of a career, as there are so many facets to it. I haven’t quite stumbled upon my niche yet in terms of a title, but I know I have a passion for sustainable and clean design, that is, one that will help us better the world that we live in. I also would be interested in historical preservation – so, some kind of energy-saving, historical mix! It would be amazing to challenge preconceived ideas about what architecture can be, especially in a sustainable and historical context.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the School of Architecture?
When I was first touring UNC Charlotte as a high school student and stopped by Storrs, I could just feel the sense of community—both in the environment and in how our tour guide (also an architecture student) spoke of his peers and professors. I definitely found that with architecture, because as any architecture student will know, you are in it for the long haul, and the people around you become family. I have also been challenged at UNC Charlotte, both in and out of Storrs, and I am a whole different person than I was four years ago.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts/design community?
I am in the UHP and AAHP programs, so I have attended lots of concerts, and have also volunteered over the weekends, at places such as the Charlotte Humane Society and Second Harvest Food Bank.

If you are in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, please tell one thing that you have gained from that program.
Learning in the AAHP program has given me a sense of perspective that I did not have before coming to college. I’ve taken classes concentrated in the arts, and also have attended class with people who are majoring in those arts. Through these classes, I was able to see what a day-in-the-life would look like outside my Storrs-shaped bubble.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
Cross country in high school rubbed off on me, so I definitely have an affinity for running. I am a bookworm, and you can find me sketching/painting on weekends/ in between work!