Melanie Reddrick

Melanie Reddrick
Project Architect, Little Diversified Architectural Consulting

Master of Architecture, University of Virginia (2003)
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, UNC Charlotte (2001)

Melanie Reddrick is a licensed architect and a licensed interior designer. She also holds professional certifications in AutoCAD and Revit, and is a LEED Accredited Professional (Building Design and Construction). She has held previous positions with Neighboring Concepts (Charlotte), Perkins Eastman (Charlotte), and J. Hyatt Hammond Associates (Greensboro). Prior to joining Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, she was the Interim Division Director of Construction Technologies for Central Piedmont Community College. 

In that role, Melanie planned, organized, and directed the instructional and administrative activities for the Division, and oversaw program coordination, curriculum, and review. The Construction Technologies Division encompasses a broad range of design and construction disciplines, including architecture, interior design, construction management, electrical systems, HVAC, and the skilled trades.

Melanie’s personal passion is Building Information Modeling and its potential to unify the design, fabrication, specification, and assembly processes that shape our built environment. She is also committed to improving upward mobility in Charlotte through strategic partnerships, including one with the Goodwill Construction Skills Training Center in Charlotte.  

She is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and a graduate of AIA Charlotte’s YAF Leadership program. She serves with the ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor program, and serves on the board of The ROC Charlotte, a non-profit ministry that provides free construction skills training for high school students in partnership with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and Central Piedmont Community College.

How did your education at UNC Charlotte prepare you for your current life?
"The School of Architecture taught me how to share complex ideas in a way that makes those ideas accessible to others. I use this skill daily!

The School also taught me how to make connections between seemingly disparate ideas and fields in order to solve important problems. For example, nature is an excellent teacher when problem-solving in the building sciences. A single tree planted in a field is full of lessons about skyscraper design."

If you were to recommend the UNC Charlotte program you graduated from to a prospective student, what would you say?
"The School of Architecture curriculum lays the foundation for a host of transferrable skills—“making” skills, communication skills, graphic and visual arts skills, computational skills—that add value in a variety of industries. Architects design buildings, but they are also thought leaders in the areas of sustainability, materials, computational design, project management, and safety."

Melanie received the 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award in Architecture.