Renzo Caceres

Renzo Caceres
Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bachelor of Music with a Concentration in Cello Performance

Give a little general information about yourself: How did you become interested in music? 
I've been involved with music since I was 5 years old, but at age 12, I discovered the best instrument in the world (the Cello obviously) and since then, my passion for music has never stopped growing. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My future is not totally decided yet. I want to get as far as I can in my cello performance career, but I can see myself owning a recording studio and a coffee shop too... 

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music? 
My favorite thing about the Department of Music is the teachers. They look for ways to help you grow as a professional and as a person, too! My friends are pretty cool, too. I get a beautiful sense of community with the students in the department. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I'm not in class or working, I like to play sports (soccer and volleyball,) and my friends and I go around Charlotte trying different coffee shops. Coffee is the real thing.