Sara Lafrance

Sara Lafrance
Hometown: Rochester, Massachusetts
Bachelor of Architecture

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts/design?

I was always very artistic as a kid. In elementary school I became involved in a STEM based creative problem-solving program called Destination Imagination. This program combined engineering with the arts and eventually led to my interest in architecture.

Why did you apply to the Arts + Architecture Honors Program?

I want to make the most of my college education and I feel like being a part of a competitive, creative community like the A+A Honors Program will give me more opportunities to grow and succeed during my time at UNC Charlotte.

What kind of career do you hope to have?

Ultimately, I aim to have a career as (if not, more) successful and respected as that of my male peers. Historically, the work of female architects has been ignored and discarded. Architecture textbooks rarely include case studies on work done by women and I hope to change that.

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?

I love the diversity in the CoA+A. Having a wealth of perspectives and backgrounds is extremely important to a creative institution and the CoA+A has done a really great job connecting students from all over the world.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?

I love theatre and acting, but I’m still looking to get involved in a show somehow. Other than that, I love playing ukulele and piano, running, swimming, reading, painting, film photography, and working with animals.