Sheriyth Cain

Sheriyth Cain
Hometown: Greensboro, NC
Bachelor of Architecture

How did you become interested in architecture?
My father is the one that has sparked my love for design and the built environment. He was an artist in LA and worked for big names, like Nike, and created graphics. When I was born, he was becoming more interested in building development and mass urban projects. So, I grew up learning a lot about skyscrapers and housing developments. As I got older, he inspired me to draw, which I thankfully have a talent for. For as long as I can remember, we would, as a family, go to open houses around North Carolina just to see how different architects were designing homes. So, all of those things together made me decide I would genuinely love to design buildings, whether it be houses or hospitals.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My father is still in the business of urban development, and I am hoping that one day we can work together on a project. Outside of that, I want to find a way to create proper humane living quarters for the homeless, solve the issue of gentrification, where the people of the area are included in the growth instead of excluded. Lastly, I want to create some really cool stuff, architecture and art, in a free-flowing environment where self-expression is encouraged through adornment and clothing.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the School of Architecture?
I love the studio spaces that we have. It feels so good to have a desk to work at and customize. I also literally love the fabrication lab - being able to use full-sized tools to create things outside of architecture is such a blessing. The last thing would have to be the people and the events. They actually like us in Storrs - every student has a relationship with every staff member down to the janitors that see us working frantically in the wee hours. They also give us free food, regularly. I think every college student can love that.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts/design community?
When I have time, I like to volunteer at the botanical gardens, which is a huge treat because I love plants.

If you are in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, please tell one thing that you have gained from that program.
I have gained access to the director, which is honestly the best part for me. The director is genuinely an amazing person to learn from and talk to. He knows so much about the field of art and architecture, but he is very realistic about the world we live in and the cultural implications of different artists or their work, which is a breath of fresh air.

Do you have any merit scholarships? If so, can you talk about that experience? 
I am currently a Martin Scholar. I cannot even say enough how much of a blessing the staff and members of the Martin Scholarship are. All of the students are diverse coming from different backgrounds, but we can all relate to being hard workers and having big dreams. One of the special parts about being a Martin Scholar is that we go on trips to learn more about the world we live in and to gain experiences in settings that we would not otherwise have the opportunity to be in. For example, last year we went to the Furious Flower Poetry annual event to recognize and celebrate African American poets. The event took place in Washington, DC. We also got to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Truly, truly, an awesome experience. I got goosebumps during a lot of the poetry reading, and I was never one to have an interest in poetry, but that opened me up to a whole world of Black artistry that I had never known about.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
If I am honest, I am a party gal. I love a good dance with people I love. Outside of that, I am a major extrovert and a people person, so I love to be with a lot of people and make people laugh. I also like to do typical college student stuff: sleep in, go shopping, spend time with family, or create some kind of funky craft for my room.