Sierra Miles

Sierra Miles
Hometown: Creedmoor, NC
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Art Education

How did you become interested in the arts/design?
Art has always been a big part of both of my parent’s families and they passed all of their knowledge on to me. I have pictures of myself painting on an easel when I was only 2 or 3 years old. Every house I have lived in has had a “craft room,” and I have come to consider this room about as important as a kitchen or a bedroom. Art has always been a huge part of my life and I want to share that with others through teaching.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My absolute dream job is to become an elementary school art teacher. I have always enjoyed working with kids and I can’t think of a better way to spend the rest of my working years.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Art & Art History?
My favorite thing about the UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture is the professors. I have been able to build so many wonderful relationships with my professors and that has helped me get to where I am today. I always tell people that they are not just there to teach, but also support you and ask how you are as a person not just a student.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 
I am the Gallery Coordinator of the Art Gallery in the Popp Martin Student Union on campus. I have worked there for almost 2 years and it has been a wonderful way to learn about art outside of the classroom and meet many local artists. The Art Gallery team is like a family and we are always there to support and help each other grow.

If you are in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, please tell one thing that you have gained from that program.
The classes that I have taken in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program have taught me a lot of content that is out of my specific discipline and that has helped me grow as an artist. Within this program, you are required to take classes pertaining to Theatre, Music, Dance, and Visual Art, and though it may seem ‘off topic’ for your degree path, I believe that it helps inform the work you are used to doing and allows you to branch out.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I am not in class, I really like exploring the space around me. I like to go downtown and walk around, find a new coffee shop or park, or go for a hike somewhere new. I have become close friends with my coworkers at the Gallery and we have been trying to go out to new places like Sleepy Poet, Optimist Hall, and even riding the train to Salisbury. Spending time with friends and getting out of the house always makes for a good day.