Stephen Nuttall

Stephen Nutall
Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC
Masters of Architecture

How did you become interested in the arts/design? How old were you when you began making art?

I have been interested in art and design since middle school. I've always enjoyed drawing and playing with legos. I became more specifically interested in architecture when I began taking Drafting classes in high school. After a few years of drafting and taking other art classes in school, I knew that architecture was the field I belong in.

What kind of career do you hope to have?

I am really interested in healthcare design, so I hope to be an architect who specializes in that. I also really want to focus on protecting the environment and figuring out ways that architecture can be more environmentally sustainable.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the department you are in?

I really like how close all of the students are in our studios. It's like a little community in Storrs and it makes me feel at home. I also like all of the different opportunities the students have to get involved with clubs and other organizations.

Do you participate in any community cultural activities or work in the Charlotte arts or design community?

I am extremely excited to be part of the iPAL internship program and to be paired with HDR (an international firm offering engineering, architecture, environmental and construction services.)  This new program is giving me a jump-start to my career.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?

I am pretty involved with the Boy Scouts of America. I go camping a lot and plan events as a leader with them. I also enjoy listening to music and playing intramural sports with my friends.