Tabitha Baker

 Tabitha Baker
Hometown: Lexington, NC
Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education; Minor in Theatre

How did you become interested in dance? 
I began taking dance classes in my hometown when I was four years old, and haven’t stopped since.

What kind of career do you hope to have? 
I hope to have a career that is a mixture of teaching, performing, and creating new works within the dance field. I look forward to educating the coming generations on the joys of dance.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Dance? 
My favorite thing about the Department of Dance is the diversity, not just among the students, but also among the faculty and staff. Our professors come from many different places and perspectives, but all of them genuinely care about their students. 

When you are not in class, studying, working, or rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun? 
When I am not in class, studying, or working, I love to read, play piano, and play with my dogs.