Tori Mitchell

Tori Mitchell
Hometown: Holly Springs, NC, via Iceland and Europe
Bachelor of Music, music education concentration

Give a little general information about yourself: How did you become interested in music? How old were you when you began making music? What made you decide to major in music?

My father plays the electric bass, and I always grew up listening to him practicing and performing in various bands. When I was in middle school, I started playing the saxophone as well as teaching myself the keyboard. I started taking private lessons in high school and soon realized that there was really nothing that made me happier than making music. My senior year, I took an independent study with my band director where I got the chance to teach our youngest ensemble. In that time, I learned that my true passion is sharing music with others and advocating for the arts.

What kind of career do you hope to have?

My hope is to teach at the elementary school level, so that I can introduce music to children at a young age and grow new generations of students who see music as an inclusive, globally appreciated art form.

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte, the College of Arts + Architecture, or the music department?

My favorite thing about the music department is the feeling of belonging once you arrive. There really wasn’t a time where I felt lonely upon starting school as a music major, because I was immediately taken under the wing of my fellow saxophonists and classmates. I really love that you can always come to Robinson Hall and find a friend working on theory or practicing, so you rarely have to go through anything alone.

Do you participate in any community cultural activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 

I volunteer often at school and community ensembles around Charlotte, in musicals, concerts, and rehearsals. I am also a marching band technician at a local high school. I have also participated in the Musical Petting Zoo at the Charlotte Symphony, which allows children to explore music and different instruments.


When you are not in class, studying, working or practicing/rehearsing, what do you like to do for fun?

One of my favorite things to do is spend time with my friends, who I met through the department. We go out to eat, do homework together, and just hang out. I also love going for walks around campus, especially to the Botanical Gardens when they’re in bloom.