Veronique Hooper

Veronique Hooper
Hometown: Greensboro, NC
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Digital Media

How did you become interested in art?
Art has always been a part of me since I was a little girl. It started when I saw my mom just doodling on scraps of paper or in the corner of my homework assignments. Over the length of my childhood, I actually wanted to do any and every art-related skill. It led me to choose such a versatile concentration.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I want to pursue 3D Modeling and Rigging. They are the processes done beforehand to prepare characters or objects for animation. This mainly derives from my Disney and Pixar adoration. I have always admired how each animation immerses you into that world and the realistic attributes every character carries with them.

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?
My absolute favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture is the professors. I have learned so much from my time being here, and I would not change one thing. Each professor that I have crossed paths with has given me insight and guidance to become the artist that I am now. We truly are not just a community, but a family.

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
Believe it or not, I tend to do my studio art for fun. I spend hours on hours designing, whether it’s early morning, or late in the night, whichever comes first. Though, I do have my friends to drag me out of the studio, many of whom I met during SOAR or the very first morning of that darn 8 am class. Otherwise, I will be playing videogames or sleeping, which is my favorite hobby. I think many can say they’ve napped in Rowe at one point.