Zainab Elrahal

Zainab Elrahal
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Ceramics

Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts/design?
I have always been drawn to detail and exploring the way I view the world. In 7th and 8th grade, I had an art teacher that inspired and pushed me to explore more of what I would create in class, and I began to fall in love with making things. In high school, I took my first ceramics class, and creating art became natural and special to me. I held a belief that while art became my passion, I should see it as more of a hobby, however, the more I learned, the more I knew this was what I needed to pursue. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I am very passionate about helping and caring for those in need, whether that is in my community or across the world. I hope to have a career where I can combine art and helping others, whether that's in a therapeutic setting, a community-building setting, or promoting art programs in schools. Art has helped me in hardship throughout my life, and I want to give others the opportunity to let it help them in the same way. I also want to continue my own work separately, develop my voice, and possibly obtain an MFA in ceramics.

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts & Architecture?
There are many parts of the College of Arts & Architecture that I could write all about, but similar to many of my peers, I believe it boils down to our faculty. Our small class sizes allow us to connect with professors and get a tremendous amount of personal help. It is so evident, in every class I have had, that our professors are not only passionate about what they teach, but passionate about passing on the knowledge, skills, and helping each of us develop our own voice. Every professor I have had has had an impact on how I view art and how I continue to improve myself and my work. 

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I am currently the President of Cerama for the ceramics club here at UNC Charlotte. We aim to provide a look into the ceramics world and an open place to explore one's creativity to all UNC Charlotte students. I am also part of the executive board for the SKY UNCC club, an organization that promotes wellness and stress management through meditation and community building. I am also currently the studio assistant to the artist at Unorthodox Studios, which is very involved in the arts scene here in Charlotte. We host gallery exhibitions of various local artists, provide figure drawing classes, and continue to connect with the art community. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I would say when I do find a pocket of free time, and I don't use it to catch up on sleep, I spend it with my family. I also enjoy exploring other forms of art, swimming, and getting into long talks with friends.