
Theatre Professor Presents New Urban Circus Project at Booth Playhouse

   July 6, 2017
CarlosAlexis Cruz, assistant professor of physical theatre, will present his newest urban circus arts project in performances July 21 and 22 at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Booth Playhouse.

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Professor's Work Displayed at World Stage Design 2017

   July 3, 2017
Scenic design by Assistant Professor Tom Burch is in exhibition at the World Stage Design 2017 conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

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Theatre Professor Presents at NET National Symposium

   June 25, 2017
CarlosAlexis Cruz, assistant professor of physical theatre, led a session on Sunday, June 25, at the national symposium of the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) in Seattle, Washington.

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Theatre Chair to Participate in Arts Engagement Conference

   June 19, 2017
Dr. Lynne Conner, chair of the Department of Theatre, will participate in an arts engagement conference hosted by Zocalo Public Square in Los Angeles.

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Shakespeare Professor Addresses Julius Caesar Controversy on CNN

   June 14, 2017
Andrew Hartley Joins Discussion on National News Network

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Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Publishes New YA Fantasy

   June 6, 2017
Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Andrew Hartley has a new book, published by Tor Teen and released on June 6.

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Theatre Faculty Present at International Conferences This Month

   June 1, 2017
Professor of Theatre Mark Pizzato and Department of Theatre Chair Lynne Conner will give scholarly presentations at conferences in Hamburg, Germany; Paris, France; and Basel, Switzerland, in June.

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Theatre Professor Designs Costumes for Chicago Company

   May 22, 2017
Assistant Professor of Costume Design Aly Amidei has designed the costumes for the upcoming production of Her Majesty’s Will at Lifeline Theatre in Chicago.

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Theatre Alum Named Many Voices Fellow

   May 1, 2017
UNC Charlotte theatre alumna Stacey Rose has been named a 2017-18 Many Voices Fellow by The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis, MN.

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Theatre Department Hosts Sean Graney March 13-18

   March 1, 2017
The Department of Theatre will host Chicago-based theatre artist Sean Graney for a residence March 13-18.

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