
Professor Finds Parallels Between Social Media Disinformation and 17th-century Witch Hunts
Podcast series looks at the spread of misinformation today and during the early modern witch trials.
   October 26, 2020

Professor of Digital Media Heather Freeman has produced a podcast series that explores the use of information technology to spread false information today and 400 years ago. Based on four years of research and interviews with more than 30 international scholars in fields from history to computer science to religious studies, Familiar Shapes digs into the timely – and timeless – topic...

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Professor To Join AIA Virginia Conference Panel
Nadia Anderson will present as part of "The Empathic Architect" series.
   October 23, 2020

Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Nadia Anderson will be a speaker/panelist for a session at Architecture Exchange East, the annual conference of the Virginia chapter of the American Institute for Architects (AIA Virginia). The conference, “Foresight 2020,” is being held virtually this...

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Theatre Professor Interviewed for American Theatre Article
Kaja Dunn addresses training students of color.
   October 21, 2020

Assistant Professor of Acting Kaja Dunn was recently interviewed for an article in American Theatre, a publication of the national organization, Theatre Communications Group. The article, “You’ve Got to Be Taught: Cultural Competency in Theatre Training...

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Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Co-Edits New Book
“Shakespeare and Geek Culture” was published by Bloomsbury this month.
   October 16, 2020

A new book co-edited by Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Andrew Hartley, with Peter Holland, surveys Shakespeare’s prevalence across popular culture. Published by Bloomsbury, Shakespeare and Geek Culture includes 18 essays that explore “geeky” enthusiasm for the Bard...

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Dean Muller and Professor McCormick Join Sustainable Development Panel
Clean Air Carolina will host the virtual event on October 27.
   October 11, 2020

Brook Muller, dean of the College of Arts + Architecture, and Assistant Professor of Architecture Liz McCormick will join a panel discussion on October 27 hosted by Clean Air Carolina. The event, on the topic of sustainable development in response to pandemic and climate change, will take place at 4:00 pm...

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Professor’s Firm and Students Design Habitat House Prototype
Associate Professor of Architecture Marc Manack is founding principal of SILO AR+D.
   October 8, 2020

More than 18 months ago, Habitat for Humanity Cabarrus County was looking for help in rethinking the design of their houses to be more efficient and more affordable.

Associate Professor of Architecture Marc Manack was intrigued by the challenge and took on the task pro bono through his firm...

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Professor’s Painting Chosen for UK Exhibition
Work by Andrew Leventis responds to the coronavirus pandemic.
   September 30, 2020

A painting by Assistant Professor of Art Andrew Leventis is one of 128 works selected from more than 3,500 entries for the 2020 Wells Art Contemporary exhibition and award show in the United Kingdom.

Established in 2012, Wells Art Contemporary is an international competition for visual art based in...

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Theatre Professor’s Project Wins National Theater Project Award
The Nouveau Sud Circus Project will address immigration in “La Bestia.”
   September 30, 2020

The Nouveau Sud Circus Project, founded and directed by Associate Professor of Theatre CarlosAlexis Cruz, has received one of ten 2020 National Theater Project Awards given by the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA). Chosen from among 28 finalists, the award winners will receive Creation and Touring Grants, ranging from $90,000 to $...

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Local Artist Transforms Rowe Gallery with “Not Another Word.”
Renee Cloud’s installation reflects on the events of 2020.
   September 25, 2020

It may be called Not Another Word., but the installation that has transformed the upper gallery in Rowe Arts is full of words. They are painted on walls, inscribed on mirrors, affixed to windows, engraved in plywood.

“Language is my medium and the semiotics embodied by written words fascinates me,” says local artist Renee Cloud, whose work is on view in Rowe through October 23...

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Dance Professor Provides Free Workshops in Local Public Schools
Audrey Baran brings special classes to high school dance students.
   September 23, 2020

Each week, Visiting Assistant Professor of Dance Audrey Baran logs into Zoom from Robinson dance studio 115 to give public school dance students a special opportunity. Working with local dance teachers, and aided by current UNC Charlotte dance students, she teaches jazz or modern dance techniques to classes of homebound teenagers. By the end of October, she will have given more than 25 classes...

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