Forms & Resources

New Students

Computer Purchasing Guide

First year students (both undergraduate and graduate) are required to have a laptop in their first semester. These recommendations are meant to serve as a guide to aid in your purchasing decision.  If you have any questions, call or visit the NinerTech Store located in the Student Union.  NinerTech carries everything that is recommended in this guide, customizes hardware and software bundles for students, and also offers sales and repair services for Apple, HP, and Dell computers.

Download Guide > Computer Purchasing Guide

Current Students


SoA Scholarships

UNC Charlotte Scholarships

Search for Scholarships

Directed Independent Study

The directed independent study (ARCH 4890/6890) enables individual study and in-depth analysis of a special area related to the interests of the student and the expertise of the faculty advisor.  The objectives and learning outcomes of the directed independent study should supplement the student’s architectural education by exploring and researching a topic not otherwise offered within the curriculum.  

Submission Deadlines: Fall (August 1st) / Spring (December 1st) / Summer (April 1st)

Download Form > Independent Study Form

Transient Study

If you plan to take courses at another institution over the summer, then you will need to complete a Transient Study Form.   Instructions and the form are available below.

Download Instructions > Instructions for Completing the Transient Study Form

Download Form > Transient Study Form

Course Equivalency > Transfer Credit Advisor

Use of Student Work

The College of Arts + Architecture (COA+A) may use digital copies of student work for educational purposes, including archival, teaching, research, recruitment, promotion, and fundraising. The Student Works Form serves as notification of this protocol and your rights.