UNC Charlotte Art & Art History/McColl Artist in Residency

Each year the UNC Charlotte Department of Art & Art History partners with the McColl Center for Art + Innovation to provide a special educational experience for students through hosting a shared Artist-in-Residence. The McColl artist joins a UNC Charlotte faculty member to teach a spring semester course, culminating in an exhibition in Rowe Galleries, as well as events and activities at McColl. This course is available to all art majors who have completed their freshman year foundation coursework. Previous semesters have included artists in fields such as graphic design, installation and performance arts, and printmaking.

The Fall 2020 Artist-in-Residence is Miguel Braceli.

Miguel Braceli is a multidisciplinary artist focused on participatory projects in public spaces. Most of these projects have been large-scale works, developed in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, México, Spain, Sweden, United States, and Venezuela. They explore notions of borders, migrations, national identities and social-political conflicts. Braceli is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and has led various participatory and educational projects within institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art New York (MoMA), the Museum of Fine Arts of Caracas, the Embassy of United States and the Embassy of Spain in Venezuela. He has been a visiting professor in Schools of Architecture from Umeå University in Sweden, Catholic University of Chile, and University of Zulia in Venezuela. He is currently a Fulbright Scholar working and living in the United States. 

Get an inside look at the 2014 McColl Visiting Artist Residency: