Roderick MacKillop Memorial Alumni Art Exhibition

The Department of Art & Art History presented the inaugural Roderick MacKillop Memorial Alumni Art Exhibition in Rowe Galleries, March 15-30,  2018. Rod MacKillop was a beloved painting professor from 1973 until his retirement in 2003. In 1988, he initiated a juried art exhibition of alumni work at the University, a practice that has continued biannually in the galleries of Rowe Arts building. 
In June 2017, the MacKillop family established three endowments at UNC Charlotte in his memory. The 2018 Roderick MacKillop Memorial Alumni Art Exhibition occurred in conjunction with an exhibition and auction of Rod's work in the Projective Eye Gallery at UNC Charlotte Center City and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the College of Arts + Architecture. Sales of his work at that auction raised an additional $22,900 for student scholarships.