ARTS representatives

arts reps: official student voices

We think we are a really cool college filled with pretty awesome students. And we think the best way to embody the energy, artistic expression, and fun within CoA+A is from the students themselves. The ARTS Rep position is an initiative to strengthen the community within our college via social media content creation and events. It gives exceedingly creative individuals the opportunity to build communication and marketing skills as an official student voice of the college.

Kelly Gilbert | Art Rep '21

Hey there! My name is Kelly Gilbert, and I'm a senior Graphic Design Major pursuing a double minor in Spanish and Art History. I'm looking forward to sharing about all of CoA+A’s happenings and helping you all have an enriching experience in UNC Charlottes’s art community.

Favorite SculptureMan with the Broken Nose by Auguste Rodin has a pretty interesting story behind it. I enjoy Rodin’s treatment of the surface of the body almost as a space to explore.

Fun Facts: I'm originally from Charlotte, I like playing around on the piano, and I hate tomatoes.


Eric Levine | Arts Education Rep '21

Hey Everyone, my name is Eric Levine, I’m a junior Music Ed Major and your Arts Ed rep! I’m so excited to share all the experiences and resources our college has to offer to its students to create future leaders and future educators.

Favorite Piece of Music: “let my love be heard” by Jake Runestad. This is a beautiful choral piece that is exploding with intense emotion.

Fun Facts: I love to take on a little photography as another art form, I am one of the Drum Majors of the Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band (PNNMB,) and I have a Yorkie-Poo named “Thor!

Natalie Perkins | Theatre Rep '21

Hey everyone! My name is Natalie Perkins and I'm a 4th Year Theatre Major with a Concentration in Performance pursuing a Minor in Communications! I'm so excited to be the Theatre rep and I can't wait to show you all more about our college community and learn more about CoA+A as a whole! 

Favorite Performance: Hands down Aladdin. I had the opportunity to see it on Broadway in New York and it really was a show-stopping performance. You always remember those "first" performances whether you're in them, or you're enjoying the art the other people put together.

Fun Facts: I traveled to Cuba in 2017 with my high school theatre program. I love sports, specifically football (haha) I'm always on my couch on Saturdays and Sundays, and I love to try new foods!


Angeli Novio | Backstage/Production Rep '21

Hi!! I am Angeli Novio and I'm your Backstage Rep! I really want to show how important backstage hands are to the magic of performances. There are a plethora of roles while working backstage, each one brings a different set of skills and experience. Anybody can bring something to the table!⁠

Favorite Performance: My favorite performance so far has been UNC Charlotte's Far Away. It was the first production I saw on campus and I left the Blackbox awestruck. It gave me a whole new perspective on theatre and the design aspect of theatre.⁠

Fun Facts I love trying out new coffee/ tea shops. My favorite place to study on campus is Norm's Lounge in the Union. I enjoy traveling and hope to travel more once the pandemic allows!

Bianca Muñoz | Music Rep '21

Hi y'all, my name is Bianca Muñoz, and I'm a third-year Music and International Studies double major with a minor in Women's & Gender Studies. I'm so excited to be your music rep this year so that I can share the many experiences, opportunities, and communities available through the Department of Music and CoA+A with you!

Favorite Piece of Music: My favorite is a piece for solo guitar called "Romance for Tree" (木洩れ陽のロマンス) by Takashi Yoshimatsu. This was a piece I learned my first semester on campus, and it holds a special piece of my heart because of that.

Fun Facts: My enneagram is type 4w3. For fun, I enjoy swimming and going on picnics!


Rachel Vick | Dance Rep '21

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel Vick, and I am your dance rep! I am so glad I get to represent the Department of Dance and to show all of our followers the amazing things our dept. has to offer even if they cannot be here in person!

Favorite Memory: I always love our dance concerts, but the 2018 Fall Dance Concert is very special to me. It was my first college concert and really made me feel welcomed into the Department of Dance!  

Fun Facts: I played the violin for eight years, Mama Mia is my favorite movie, and I am the president of the student-run dance organization Range of Motion Dance Ensemble (ROM).

Skyler Parrow-Strong  | Graphic Design Intern '21

Hi everybody! My name is Skyler Parrow-Strong and I have the wonderful opportunity to intern for the College of Arts + Architecture this year as their design intern! I'll also be helping out as one of your ARTS reps! I absolutely love being a part of the CoA+A because it is a smaller, more personable community that is accepting of everyone and values individuality along with team collaboration. My ultimate goal is to empower others to join our amazing art family and encourage people to create with a purpose! 

Fun Fact: I was a graphic design intern for the Mint Museum in Charlotte last summer and rebranded their youth program, NexGen. They offer young adults engaging artistic experiences and provide access to learning more about the museum and local artists.

Mari Vicente | SoA Rep '21

Hi! My name is Mari Vicente and I’m a 2nd-year Architecture student with a minor in Mathematics. I’m excited to be your SoA rep to share the unique opportunities that CoA+A has to offer! 

Favorite Design: Lina Bo Bardi’s Casa de Vidro is my favorite piece of architecture. 

Fun Facts: I’m 4’11”, I was in choir for 8 years, and I could eat sushi every day. 

meet your previous arts reps


Abena Atiemo | SoA Rep '20

Hey everyone! I am a junior majoring in Architecture, with a minor in Women's and Gender studies. I am excited to give y’all an inside look into SoA – the students are very talented, and I am privileged to work alongside them.

Fun Facts: I am learning to play the bass guitar, can jump rope on a pogo stick, and a pineapple on pizza enthusiast.⁠

Vishal Nair | Art Rep '20

Hey! I’m a junior earning my BFA in Graphic Design. When I’m not on my computer, I spend my time playing intramural soccer and taking photos around campus. I'm excited to be a rep and to connect with my peers.

Clubs + Activities: I intern with Charlotte Athletics and am part of the American Institute of Graphic Arts.

Kayley McLamb | Dance Rep '20

I’m a Dance Major pursuing a Certificate in Advanced Dance Studies. I am super excited to be part of this program because CoA+A and the Department of Dance offer many opportunities that I hope to share with you.

Community Cultural Activities: I am president of the dance student org Range of Motion and work as a peer mentor.

Sam Pomerantz | Theatre Rep'20

Hey! I’m majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Design/Tech with a Musical Theatre Certificate. I’m excited to be a rep to showcase the talented students in COA+A and encourage people to check out our awesome program!

Favorite Performance: Newsies! The dance breaks are insane and it’s a show that everybody can enjoy.⁠

Tia Wilson | Music Rep '20

I'm earning a BA in Music with a concentrating in Voice. I’m excited to be a rep because we always have fun things going on and I want to share them! I’m a member of Zeta Phi Beta, Charlotte Choirs, and the women’s rugby team.

Fun Facts: I wrestled on the men’s team in high school, I play the tuba, and I’m a first-generation college student. ⁠

Gianna Agostino | Music Rep '19

Hi! I'm a double major in Music and Communications with a concentration in Mass Media with a Theatre minor. I’m excited to be a rep so I can show off all of the cool things going on in CoA+A and connect with new students!

Community Cultural Activities: I’m in the Honors Program, in the orchestra, and a Robinson Hall Technician!

Meredith Pack| Dance Rep '19

Hello! I'm earning a BSBA in Marketing and a BA in Dance Performance. I am incredibly excited to be a rep because CoA+A has so much to offer that can often go unnoticed.

Favorite Performance: Charlotte Ballet’s Fall Works in 2016. It truly re-sparked my passion for dance.

Breanna Andrea | Art Rep '19

Hey! I'm earning my BFA in Graphic Design, and I'll be graduating this Spring. I'm excited to be a part of the ARTS rep program to inspire others to pursue their passions and things that make them happy.

Fun Fact: The first art class I ever took, I got into it on accident.

Blake Briles | Theatre Rep '19

Hey, there! I am earning a BSBA in Organizational Management and a BA in Theatre Performance. I am stoked to share the various ins and outs of the Theatre Department with you all!

Fun Facts: One of my circus disciplines is Fire Manipulation and I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes.

Daniel Petric | SoA Rep '19

Hello! I completed my undergraduate architectural degree at UNCC in 2019 and am now pursuing my Masters also at UNCC. I’m excited to be the SoA rep because there are so many amazing experiences I've had over the last four and a half years that I think paint our architecture program in such an amazing light.

Fun Facts: I am 6’9 (making me the tallest person in SoA), I have traveled to more countries in the world than states in the US, and I love to sing.



ARTS representatives

Meet our previous ARTS reps