
Dance Students to Perform at 92nd Street Y
   April 2, 2018
UNC Charlotte dance students will perform at New York City’s 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center.

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Recent Graphic Design Alum Wins Award
   March 27, 2018
Recent UNC Charlotte alumna Linnea Stoops (BFA 2017) won an award in the Flux 2017 Student Competition from AIGA Blue Ridge.

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Interdisciplinary "Hybrid Skins" Accepted into Artfields 2018
   March 22, 2018
Hybrid Skins, an installation created by Associate Professor of Architecture Jefferson Ellinger and Assistant Professor of Art Thomas Schmidt, with graduate student Paul Stockhoff, has been accepted into the Artfields 2018 southeastern regional art exhibition and competition.

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War Requiem to Commemorate WWI Centennial
   March 21, 2018
The College of Arts + Architecture will join Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I with performances of Benjamin Britten’s powerful War Requiem on April 13 and 14.

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Department of Art & Art History Receives Full NASAD Accreditation
   March 14, 2018
The National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), the national accrediting agency for schools of visual art and design and programs of studio art and design instruction, has granted full membership to UNC Charlotte.

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Arreola Reprises "Champion" Role at New Orleans Opera
   March 8, 2018
Dr. Brian Arreola, associate professor of voice, is reprising the role of Luis Rodrigo Griffith in a current production of the jazz opera Champion at the New Orleans Opera, March 9 and 11.

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Dance Students, Faculty Participate in ACDA Festival
   March 8, 2018
Led by Associate Professor EE Balcos and Assistant Professor Tamara Williams, nine UNC Charlotte Dance students participated in the March 4-7 Mid-Atlantic South, American College Dance Association (ACDA) festival.

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Department of Art & Art History Hosts Art Auction for Student Scholarships
   March 6, 2018
The Department of Art & Art History presents an exhibition and auction of work by former professor Roderick MacKillop to support the Roderick MacKillop Memorial Endowments for student scholarships.

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Five Diverse Works Animate Spring Dance Concert
   March 5, 2018
The Department of Dance presents student performers in five diverse works by faculty and guest choreographers in the Spring Dance Concert, March 22-25.

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Urban Design Students from UNC Charlotte and Tongji University Develop Joint Project
   March 1, 2018
Graduate students from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, China, have come to Charlotte to work on a joint urban design workshop with urban design students in the School of Architecture.

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