
Storrs Fabrication Lab Partners with ROTC to Make Football Game Push-up Platform
   November 15, 2017
A new push-up platform was initiated by the Air Force ROTC Detachment 592 and designed and built in the Storrs Fabrication Lab.

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Director of Bands Conducts in Argentina
   November 15, 2017
Director of Bands Shawn Smith conducted the Symphonic Band of Córdoba and the Polifonic Choir of Córdoba in a concert on October 15.

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Architecture Graduate Students Take Top Prizes in International Competition
   November 13, 2017
Three students in Professor Jefferson Ellinger's Graduate Topic Design Studio have taken the top prizes in the 2017 Living Building Challenge-Los Angeles (LBC-LA) Collaborative Student Competition.

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Art Alum Named to Business Insider's "30 Most Creative"
   November 9, 2017
UNC Charlotte graphic design alumnus Curtis Petraglia was named one of Business Insider magazine’s “30 Most Creative People in Advertising Under 30” earlier this year.

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Dance Students Present at State Research Symposium
   November 7, 2017
Dance majors Makayla Church (dance education concentration) and Anna Edwards (dance performance, choreography, and theory concentration) presented research posters at the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium.

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Professor Presents African Diaspora Dance Research
   November 6, 2017
Assistant Professor of Dance Tamara Williams has presented her research on the spiritual dances of the African Diaspora in two international conferences this fall.

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Department of Dance Presents the 2017 Fall Dance Concert
   November 6, 2017
Students in the Department of Dance will perform the 2017 Fall Concert on November 16-19.

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Department Hosts State NANM Chapter
   November 1, 2017
On October 29, the UNC Charlotte Department of Music hosted the Carol Brice Branch of North Carolina, the state branch of the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc.

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Music Students to Perform at World Conference in New Zealand
   October 30, 2017
A small ensemble of music students will perform at the World Association of Arts in Education conference in Auckland, New Zealand, in November.

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Architecture Professor Receives 2017 AIA Upjohn Research Initiative Grant
   October 30, 2017
Dr. Kyounghee Kim has been awarded a 2017 AIA Upjohn Research Initiative Grant.

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