
Dance Students Present at Research Symposium
   July 31, 2017
Three dance students presented research projects during the Summer Research Symposium.

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New CD Features Jazz Studies Director Will Campbell
   July 26, 2017
Dr. Will Campbell, professor of saxophone and the director of the UNC Charlotte jazz studies program, is featured on a new album to be released next month.

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Architecture Students Design and Build Installation for Chicago
   July 26, 2017
Students in Marc Manack’s graduate summer studio have designed an installation in response to research by Archeworks, a Chicago-based lab dedicated to public interest design.

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Voice Student Places Third in National Competition
   July 25, 2017
Music major James Matens earned third place in the Lower College / Independent Studio Men category at the final round of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) 2017 National Student Auditions.

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Theatre Professor Andrew Hartley’s YA Novel Wins Awards
   July 17, 2017
Steeplejack, the young adult fantasy novel by Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Andrew Hartley, has won two major awards.

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Professor Ranis Shows Work in Arctic Arts Festival
   July 6, 2017
Associate Professor of Art Marek Ranis is one of 15 artists featured in the exhibition of the Arctic Arts Festival in Harstad, Norway.

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Theatre Professor Presents New Urban Circus Project at Booth Playhouse
   July 6, 2017
CarlosAlexis Cruz, assistant professor of physical theatre, will present his newest urban circus arts project in performances July 21 and 22 at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Booth Playhouse.

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Professor's Work Displayed at World Stage Design 2017
   July 3, 2017
Scenic design by Assistant Professor Tom Burch is in exhibition at the World Stage Design 2017 conference in Taipei, Taiwan.

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Associate Professor Deb Ryan Elected Planning Commission Chair
   June 27, 2017
Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Deb Ryan has been elected chair of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission, effective July 1, 2017.

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Projective Eye Gallery Presents Retrospective of Artist-Activist TJ Reddy
   June 26, 2017
The Projective Eye Gallery is proud to present a retrospective of artist TJ Reddy’s life of creativity in "Everything is Everything," on view June 30 through August 20, with an opening reception July 20, 6-8 pm.

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