Jessica "JB" Burke

Art & Art History
Associate Professor, Foundations Coordinator, Art
Rowe 249

Faculty Research Connections Profile

Jessica Burke (J.B)  earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. She is an Associate Professor of Art and Foundations Coordinator at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Prior to teaching at UNC Charlotte, she was an Associate Professor of Art and Foundations Director at Georgia Southern University. She is very invested in foundations pedagogy and serves as an elected member on the national board of Foundations in Art: Theory and Practice (FATE). She also was elected to the national board of Integrative Teaching International (ITI) where she serves as Associate Vice President of Programming. As an artist, she is interested in the effect of popular culture on identity. Her creative work has been included in competitive juried and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally. Her work is in many private, state and corporate collections that include the City of North Charleston, South Carolina; the City of Savannah, Georgia; Seminole State College, Florida and the National Living Treasure Museum in Yugawara, Japan. Visit Website