Kelly Carlson-Reddig

Associate Professor, Architecture
Storrs 144

Faculty Research Connections Profile

Kelly Carlson-Reddig is an Associate Professor of Architecture. She completed her undergraduate Bachelor of Architecture at Texas Tech University in 1986 and her graduate Master of Environmental Design at Yale University in 1992. Her scholarship focuses primarily on the conceptual dimensions of architecture’s materiality, tectonics, and architectural "marks," and has been articulated in papers such as "Students Consider Architecture's Materiality"—JAE, "Stance and Circumstance: Intentional Materiality"—ACSA, and "detail, Detail, Ornament, decoration: A Taxonomy"—ACSA. Her teaching spans advanced level architectural design studios, including the Graduate Integrated Project, Materials and Methods, and advanced critical practice/technology electives including "MARK," “Critical Artful Materiality Tectonics,” and “In the Details.” She Chaired the National ACSA Technology Conference entitled “’Souped-Up’ and ‘UnPlugged’: Perspectives on Architectural Technology.” During her tenure at UNC Charlotte, she developed two lecture series’--“Architecture’s Materiality” and “BEYOND CENTER: Diversity in Architecture.” She served as Associate Director of the School of Architecture for 8 years. She served several terms as national Secretary and Treasurer for Tau Sigma Delta, an architecture honor society. Her current initiatives are focused on curriculum reform related to the Climate Emergency.

Explore HER recent work

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