Malena Bergmann

Art & Art History
Senior Lecturer
Rowe 204

Faculty Research Connections Profile

Back in the 1970s in small-town New England, there was no such thing as garbage collection. So, on Saturdays I would go to the town dump with my folks. This was a necessity where I lived, but also a much-anticipated event.  Because the dump had free access, we went ‘shopping’, leaving with more than we brought. In the mid 80’s I left the dump and went to undergraduate and graduate school for painting & drawing and have been teaching in academia since then in Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I've been at UNC Charlotte since 1997. I've exhibited my work in spaces across the US and in Canada, and have been the recipient of a number of public and private visual arts, education and humanities grants, including the NC Arts Council, NC Humanities Council, and Gallucci Creative Fund.   

But somewhere in there, I went back. To the dump. Many dumps. Originally a painter, I re-discovered that objects speak to me eloquently and with a great deal of urgency. I invent meaning through the manipulation of ‘things’ and actions (2D, 3D, 4D), sometimes alone and often with collaborators. Interview with Charlotte Viewpoint magazine.

I also make a mean fresh ginger-lemon meringue pie.  

  • Born: 1967 Miami, FL
  • Russian Language School graduate, Norwich University (VT), 1987
  • BFA in Painting, University of NC-Greensboro, 1989 
  • MFA in Painting/Drawing, University of Florida, 1992

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