Audition Information


AUDITION Information


New Works from the Department of Theatre


WHEN: 6-9 PM, Monday, August 23, and Tuesday, August 24, 2021

WHEREBlack Box Theater (Robinson Hall)

ABOUT THE SHOW: Humans are social creatures, and now more than ever we all crave that which a deadly virus has made so dangerous: to gather. Gatherings take many shapes: a family affair, a holiday, a first date, a protest, a celebration, a wedding, a performance, a support group, a classroom, a plane ride, a reunion, a funeral, a party, a vacation. 

This 70-minute evening of new works is part of the department’s mainstage season and features three short UNCC student-written and directed plays in addition to YouTopia (written by playwright Chaney Kwak and directed by Assistant Professor Laura London Waringer). Professor Waringer also serves as the artistic director and mentor for student creatives (actors, directors and playwrights). 

Auditions are for roles in all four of the featured short plays. Students who are cast may choose to sign up for credit (THEA 2402: Production Practicum: Gather).


Gather (THEA 2402: Performance Practicum) will be performed live in the Black Box Theater in Robinson Hall, Thursday, November 4, through Sunday, November 7, 2021.


To audition, please:

1)    Please follow this AUDITION FORM LINK. Once you have filled out the form you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to sign up for your audition time slot.

2)    Please prepare the following in advance of your audition:

  • A one-minute contemporary monologue
  • We would also like you to tell us a brief story about a gathering you’ve attended that was meaningful to you.  Please keep this under 2 minutes. 
QUESTIONS about preparing and/or submitting your audition materials? Please email Laura Waringer at

Rehearsals will begin the week of September 13, 2021. Details to follow soon.